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Our Philosophy

ASPLUND´s philosophy is to offer products of high quality and timeless design, manufactured as sustainably as possible.

Our vision has always been clean, functional, elegant lines and proportional volumes with a quality that lasts and never goes out of style. An interesting and good contemporary design, that you should be able to like as long as it lasts. Good design for us is a product that you can use and combine to almost any style, it should be obvious as if it has always been there. We put a big effort in making our furniture and carpets. Details are made with the uttermost attention, materials chosen because they are the most suitable and durable for that special item.

Swedish heritage

Our Swedish heritage teach us that a piece of furniture should be something that you live with, that is pleasant to look at and is practical to use, it also tells that it should age beautifully with the user/owner.
In our world of consumption and our threatened environment we always try to look at the most aware alternative, whether it is a material that makes the product last longer or that it has a sustainable treatment and sustainable material, or that the human rights and working conditions are good and fair.

The biggest reward of all is when customers come to us and say that they have had our products for a long time and now they are buying new ones for their kids first homes because that is the prime thing they want to bring from their parents . Then we have succeeded in our mission.